Unknown to me until recently, this is the question that is rumbling around in my mind. God, are You there? I can't see You. I can't hear You. At the moment, I can't feel You. I am a little lost and wandering.
This is not the kind of question you ask out loud. At least I don't. Am I afraid of the answer or do I not want to really know that the problem is me not God? Because I already know that if there's a problem, it's me. God is never the problem. He is always the solution.
So, how do you know if God is really there? And by there I mean here, accounted for, present. It all stems back to His word. He has been solving this problem from Genesis to now. That promise never changes. I WILL BE WITH YOU. It's just as true for me as it was for Moses or Joshua or David. Not only is He with me. He also has said I will never leave you. In the original language it's even clearer. I will never, no never, no never ever leave you.
So why am I missing His presence? He's so huge His presence should be like an elephant in a room. Pretty obvious. But when Elijah was running from Jezebel He didn't hear God in all the clamor and noise. He heard God in the still small voice. Quiet and unassuming.
Maybe I'm trying to play hide and seek from God. Now that's silly. Though I know we try. David reminds us, where can I go from Your presence, if I go to the heavens, You are there. If I make my bed in Sheol, You are there. It's a lot like playing hide and seek with a preschooler. They may think they're hiding well but the adult almost always knows where they are. Same with God. He always knows where I am.
So the bottom line truth is God is here even if I can't hear, feel or see Him. There is comfort in that. It's a reminder that that is what faith is all about. Faith is believing in what is unseen and the expecting what is hoped for. So God is with me, and you. I, we, just need to turn around and acknowledge His presence.
Sigh...maybe this is why I should blog more. I find simple answer as I search for the right words to express my thoughts. Guess we'll see what happens. Maybe it'll be less than 3 months before the next post.
Thank You God for the assurance...the blessed assurance.