Sunday, March 6, 2011


Pondering things today...

  • what is heaven like? 
  • if we know the truth and the truth will set us free, then why do we live in bondage?
  • why do we drive on parkways and park on driveways?
  • why are grace and roast beef & mashed taters both described as amazing?
  • did you know that God warned Cain about the sin that was crouching at his door BEFORE he killed his brother?
  • why does God ask rhetorical questions...God to Adam, 'where are you?' and God to Cain, 'where is your brother?' Jesus to the man by the pool, 'do you want to be healed?'
  • i wander if the animals that Noah sacrificed as soon as they got off the ark were the ones that had been the most annoying?
  • although we bear the image of the earthly man we shall bear the image of the heavenly man (1 Corinthians 15:49). how cool is that?
  • why are some people surprised, almost disappointed, to learn that our glorified self is NOT as angels in heaven, no wings or halos? 
sometimes i think i don't think much compared to others. sometimes i'm wrong.

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