Thursday, November 27, 2014

Count Your Blessings

Here it is early Thanksgiving morning. I'm the only one up so far. Surprisingly, Toby isn't even whining to go out yet. Years ago, the hymn writer encouraged us to COUNT YOUR BLESSINGS. He even went as far as to say NAME THEM ONE BY ONE. If you look at the verses you'll see that it's in the rough times, those discouraging times when the waves of life are engulfing us that we are to count our blessings. Is that really fair? It's much easier to be thankful in the good times, isn't it? In the midst of conflict, whether great or small, I'd much rather wallow in the muck of my circumstances. But no, throughout this timeless hymn I am to remember that God is over all. Side note...God isn't in overalls. That kinda messes with the image of God to me. Sorry, squirrel moment. Back on track, God is over all. God is in control. Reminded of a saying, things over MY head are under HIS feet. Perspective, perspective. So today, with a scratchy throat, I count my blessings. I say thank you. I express gratitude to God, to others, maybe even to strangers, who knows who God will place in my path today. HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!

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