Tuesday, February 21, 2012

More Thoughts

It's a beautiful evening in Central Missouri tonight. Beautiful sunset. Sat outside for a few minutes, not too long though cause it's still winter in Missouri. I love the vast blue skies we have here, especially on days like today when there's not a cloud in the sky. It looks like it goes on for miles and miles. I can't begin to describe the colors in the sunset. There are reds and blues and oranges but then they blend all together and I don't know what to call those colors. Then all this beauty pales in comparison to the sights Kayla and Alicia have every day. Wonder how all that works. Since there is no night because Christ is the constant light, they don't count days. They aren't restricted by time. It's just one continuous, glorious, beautiful, timeless moment. What is that like? I know I don't know. I can be so captured in the beauty of this creation, what is heaven like? I know what it's like to be caught up in worship on those special days when all is right with the world. I can't comprehend neverending, breath-taking worship. Right now it's easy to focus on the what ifs or these present day issues or problems but this life is a vapor, a mist, a blink of an eye. I want things to be good, right and they are...in the scope of eternity, they are. I'm not there yet, not by a long shot, but I want to see life in view of eternity...that's what's real.

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