Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Going Back in Time

Sunday night we were transported back in time for a moment. The HLGU Chamber Choir led us in worship. One of the songs they sang was 'It Is Well with My Soul'. Nathan shared Horatio Spafford's tragic story that led to the writing of this beloved hymn. Oh, forgot to tell you something about the Choir...they are an a cappella choir. After the story, Nathan began singing...'when peace like a river...' When he got to the chorus, the choir, who were sitting on the front row, joined in. That's when the transportation began. It ushered us back to that Sunday night in February '08 when the Couture family broke out in song, again a cappella, in the back of the sanctuary at FBC, Paris. It was a heavenly sound once again. I cried...Bonnie cried...Jeromy cried, which is kind of a mystery because he wasn't there that night in '08, but he's heard us tell that part of our story. We've sung that hymn several times since that fateful night but I'm pretty sure it was always accompanied by piano. So Sunday night when the harmonies of the chorus bounced off the walls, it hit us like a crashing wave on the ocean. Thanks guys and gals in the Chamber Choir for singing from your hearts in a way that pierced our hearts as well. 

'And Lord, haste the day when my faith shall be sight,
The clouds be rolled back as a scroll;
The trump shall resound, and the Lord shall descend,
Even so, it is well with my soul.'

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